News & Incoming
Oct 21st the Moonsama Exosama team launched their own blockchain 'Exosama Network' $SAMA within just 3 weeks & 'minted' the Genesis block. Meanwhile already 99K blocks had been created and everything is running stable, average blocktime 5s:

This is massive in term of setting up the successful future of the Moonsama Exosama ecosystem:
- 1st #NFT governed PoA blockchain
- VCs & their monetary-driven decisions are locked out
- #Exosama & #Moonsama community to take over governance
- EVM layer 1 blockchain
What to expect for $SAMA?
1. Ecosystem DeFi on $SAMA Exosama network soon!
2. Raresama will be connected to $SAMA
3. Liquidity onboarding by institutional supporters announced soon
4. Litepaper to be published on Oct 30th
5. Validator onboarding
Oct 23rd $POOP refineries had been implemented in the #Metaverse Carnage event.

What are refineries & why do I need them?
1. $POOP to be converted 1:1 to Exosama Network utility token $SAMA
2- Bridging $POOP to Multiverse bridge + refining it in the Metaverse --> big bonus!
If you refine $POOP (starting Carnage Oct 30th) you get refined $POOP +
- Blood crystals (infect Pondsama fish)
- Mobidium (mechanize Pondsama fish)
- DNA (hot + top secret)
So clear advice: Refine early as refineries are very efficient in the beginning, and will be of decreasing efficiency over time.
But how much of my $POOP I can import & how much does that amount represent?
Note: $POOP can only be imported by Exosama or Moonsama!
@mischievousmrkt + @HeaxSama got you covered with the refinery $POOP calculator:

As $POOP + Pondsama have close ties I want to share the latest leak from @HeaxSama for the Pondsama Metaverse Oct 24th:
Fishing in the Metaverse is close & Moonrods are very important!

You can fish up to 15 Pondsama fishes & the Moonrod impacts the time how long you can keep a fished Pondsama:
- no rod: 1 hour
- rod: until next Carnage
Fishing up Donnie's Pondsama will be more difficult than getting mine: The better the fish, the harder it is to get them.
I got hyped by a leak from Kurkin Oct 26th showing that Super Gromlin Kart is in the works. Voxelle is working on that project - Expect multiplayer fun!

Massive Metaverse implementation of Raresama art has been announced Oct 26th. The Raresama art gallery will go live Oct 28th 4PM and this launch event will be streamed here:

Read the announcement here:
Expect news about PublicPressure PODS very soon! In the AMA Oct 26th it was confirmed that there will be a Music NFT announcement next week! Meanwhile get your free video drop on from the artist @LucioArese
Expect Music in the Metaverse

Concerning the ongoing HallowSama event:
Continue your efforts to farm pumpkins in Carnage to get Halloween themed NFTs. Donnie stated Oct 26th that most of them are soulbound but few are transferrable. Those will be RARE!

Aside from the team the community is building too & it is happening on to make this the number 1 hub for the ecosystem.
Newest addition:
One pagers & $POOP price calculator to $USD $BTC $ETH $GLMR $MOVR
Facts & Figures
1. Raresama + Gromlins
MCF: 188.5K $GLMR
Gromlins floor: 2K $GLMR (~944$)
Gromlins floor valuation: 6,666M $GLMR (~3.15M$)
Gromlins staked on bridge: 1,434 (43%)
2. Moonsama
Moonsama floor: 4,800 $MOVR (~52K$)
Moonsama floor valuation: 4.8M $MOVR (~52M$)
Multiverse Art: none of the 27 1/1 listed
Moonsama staked on bridge: 666 (66.6%)
3. Exosama
Exosama floor: 2.388 $ETH (~3,691$)
Exosama floor valuation: 23.9K $ETH (~36.9M$)
Listed percentage: 2%
Exosama staked on bridge: 4,689 (46.9%)
4. $POOP
is currently valuated at 0.07645$
$POOP can be traded on on Moonbeam
The chart can be checked here:
5. Pondsama
Pondsama floor: 58 $MOVR (626$)
Pondsama floor valuation: 593K $MOVR (~6.4M$)
Pondsama staked on bridge: 7,317 (71,6%)
The overall MC valuation of the Moonsama Exosama Raresama Pondsama ecosystem is currently 118.3M$

Carnage Oct 23rd was a full success with lots of updates and the test implementation of the $POOP refineries. 1,140 players were on the hunt for HallowSama pumpkins and raided farms. Check your Carnage stats here:

The community member @PanopticusV launched a weekly Twitter Space 'Moonsama Nation', next one happening on sunday Oct 30th:
Last one (Oct 25th) can be listend to here:
The first Moonsama Exosama Twitter Space AMA took place Oct 26th. Listen to the stream here:
Get your recap here:
The GemHunters interviewed @gromlinjohn in their Twitter Space to learn more about his strategies in Minecraft Carnage Oct 27th:
Oct 28th 10PM UTC Donnie + Jameson Mah will attend the @nftnow Twitter Space 'Investing in the Future of Web3' powered by @HelloMetaversal:
Moonsama Exosama will attend WebSummit 2023 at Lisboa Nov 1st - 4th, one of the biggest tech conferences worldwide!