Here to help - the Support Team

How come there is an answer to almost every question asked in Telegram, Discord, Twitter, or in-game chat? Meet the Team spending their time online to grasp every opportunity to help & solve issues.

Who are all the people you see in the chats that are always there to answer questions or provide help? It's not by accident in most cases; you can be sure of that. A group of people decided to commit their time to learn everything they could about this ecosystem and tools so that they could help others—the Support Team.

You can find more than 20 individuals spread across the chats, channels, and social media, mostly doing the following activities:

  • Scanning the conversations for people needing help with different things.

  • Helping people with issues in our metaverses.

  • When unable to help, they forward/connect the person to someone from the Moonsama Issues channel.

  • Perform some chat moderation and clean up as needed.

Carnage events

On carnage days, a small team (usually five people) helps cover all the chats before the event starts. Most of the time, they assist the players in getting started/appropriately connected. Complex queries are handed over to the Issues channel for more technical support.

Once the Carnage starts, the same people hop into the servers and enter Support Mode. They then spend the next 90 minutes helping in the chats. The support mode has no particular privilege/advantage except allowing for being away from the keyboard (no block mining for extended periods permitted).

How were people chosen?

The current Support Team members were chosen based on personal knowledge, engagement in helping others, and overall activity in the community. Individuals who were no longer actively providing their support duties were removed from the Team over time.


All on-duty Supporters receive a 10x gganbu reward (same as bridging in one Moonsama or ten Exosamas) for putting in their full coverage of Carnage Support time (90 minutes game time + 60 minutes before the event). Supporters can barely play while supporting Carnage and deserve compensation for their effort.

What it takes to become a Supporter

All supporters must actively participate in community chats for at least 4 hours a week. Anything more is voluntary. Additionally, they need to support Carnage events, during which they are available one hour before and 90 minutes during the event. Usually, it takes two Carnage events in a supporting role and two as a regular player per month.

How can people join going forward?

There will be an application form for anybody to submit to join the Support Team. It shall be released soon. Supporting roles are open to all members of the Moonsama/Exosama Ecosystem.


Thank you, Jesse, for providing valuable input to make this story happen.

Source: Jesse (JDubs)