The Supreme Court of Moonsama hereby adopts the Moonsama Remedial Inevitable Carnage Oversight Act (“RICO”).
The Court has frequently encountered instances involving gang members’ failures to provide recordings, usage of prohibited clients, or breach of other rules, all of which do not conform with the rules and customs of Moonsama Carnage. In order to ensure fair game-play and to provide clear guidance for everyone in the Samaverse, the Court has decided to adopt stricter consequences for violations and to codify the process.
RICO will be effective starting next Carnage on December 25, 2022. The penalties imposed this week are not pursuant to RICO or the new system for gangs that comes with it. Gang leaders should be aware of their responsibility to ensure that their members understand how Carnage rules are different from any other server.
To avoid unnecessary disputes as to players' actual intent, and to prevent players from pushing the boundaries, the Court sees it fit to encourage compliance through heavier repercussions.
Going forward, the Court will adopt RICO's stricter approach in determining penalties against gang members for repeating minor violations, using prohibited clients, or other misbehavior.
The Court hereby puts every player on notice of their responsibility to acknowledge this announcement, to read the rules, and to play by them.
Note: The Moonsama Supreme Court is an independent adjudicative body, and the highest judiciary authority within the Samaverse legal system. The Court consists of seven Justices of the Moonsama Supreme Court (J.M.S.C.) and, among other things, adjudicates on matters brought to it by the Moonsama Police for violations of Carnage rules.
The Court's Justices are: Biscuit, J.M.S.C.; Resypto J.M.S.C.; Robster, J.M.S.C.; Jimmo, J.M.S.C.; Wodan, J.M.S.C.; Erden, J.M.S.C.(I); ND Crypto, J.M.S.C.(I).
As Officially Adopted:
Moonsama Remedial Inevitable Carnage Oversight Act