The Supreme Court of Moonsama seeks to fill two vacancies. Voting period has begun and will end at 10:00AM (UTC) on Friday December 23, 2022.
The seven-member Court lost two elected Justices earlier in the year due to conflicts and personal matters. The Court functioned with five members for a brief period of time. However, due to player growth and the increasing caseload, the Court appointed two Interim Justices to temporarily fill the vacant positions, Erden, J.M.S.C.(I) and ND Crypto, J.M.S.C.(I), who have been serving dutifully.
The Court now seeks to have these two positions officially filled through community vote.
There are six candidates, and the two with the most votes will become Justices of the Moonsama Supreme Court.
The Court will neither endorse, nor take a position against any candidate. However, the ideal Justice is someone who is active in the community and has a keen interest in creating and upholding a fair legal system for the Samaverse community. In addition, the ideal Justice is also someone who possesses a certain degree of selflessness since, in order to maintain impartiality, this is an unpaid position.
Candidate Statements
Following are candidates' unedited campaign statements as submitted to the Court.

Fellow Moonsama holders,
It is with great honor that I submit my name as a candidate for the Supreme Court. I have been a member of the Moonsama community since December 7, 2021 and am a regular for Carnage every Sunday. I am active on the Telegram, twitter, and discord (if needed haha).
Moonsama/Exosama has grown into something bigger than Donnie even anticipated (initially at least). This is the time in a project that it is most important that we retain professionalism, organization and constantly push innovation. In order to be able to complete that we need to maintain order through a court/police system. In my opinion the court has to be able to move quickly and efficiently while maintaining as much transparency as possible. I partially see this role as being like a member of a jury. It is my duty to Moonsama to help ensure that it retains the community, passion and most importantly the FUN!
IRL I am a Dad with two kids (5yr old girl and 8yr old boy) and work as a hospital administrator (help run hospitals). My expertise is not in crypto or finance, but is in business and management. I often feel like I need to sit on the sideline with all the in-depth conversations regarding crypto, but helping lead and manage is something that I can help with. One thing I do know is that if I am not elected I have 100% confidence that whoever gets selected will do a great job.
Finally, I do not shy away from making decisions or sharing my opinions and will ensure that those decisions are based on facts and information, not emotions or a love for ladyboys.
For Moonsama

Hi Moonsama family.
This isn't a normal crypto project, it's an actual community, a lot of other projects use this term, but this is one of few that are real. A real community needs protecting and fair justice, there are always bad actors in every group.
I think that every matter brought to the court's attention needs to be looked at carefully and with the full resources available, I love this community and want to see it thrive.
Some people make mistakes and some people are malicious, I would along with the court would try and ensure we can separate the two indiscretions and resolve any matters in the fairest and just way. Collect evidence where possible and hear both (or more) sides.
I am fully invested in Moonsama, ever since I got my beloved Sama #603 I realised that I needed to go all in, sold all my crypto assets/other assets and invested all in here, didn't tell the wife, she'd never understand! When we've made it, I'll tell her.
I play carnage every week with my 9yr Son and we love it, also Saturday is a blast, especially with Last Playa Standing. First thing I do when I wake up is read telegram and try to read all the groups, there's a lot! Next scan Twitter and a quick poke in discord, then I remember I have a job! Rinse and repeat during the day and then last thing at night, I live and breathe Moonsama.

I have been helping in the court as an interim judge for the past two months, have found it interesting and rewarding knowing I am doing my part in helping this project grow into a fair and fun place for all.
Most of you have known me for a long time now, as I am very active in the TG groups and would imagen I have had conversations with just about all of you at some time or another.
I hope in this time ,I have become a trusted member of the community and have displayed that I have the right attitude to perform this task.
As mentioned often in my fellow candidates speeches, Moonsama is more than just an investment, its a real community with a lot of great people pulling together for the same reasons.
I know I am not the only one that plays with their children and friends and for this reason its important that we have a honest environment for all.
I have witness the effort the current judges put into this role and trust me its not easy. I would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their hard work which sometimes goes unnoticed. Also for giving me the chance to get involved over the last two months.
Please feel free to take a look at my speech from the last elections for any background information on me.
Good Luck to everyone participating in the election!!

TheFakeSama is here
I am presenting myself to the MOONSAMA COURT
👉For me the COMMUNITY is the most important thing
Without a FAIR treatment towards this we would be nothing. The VALUE of everything here DEPENDS ON US. I don't think it's necessary to say that I'm active 24/7 just because of that. I'm sorry you have to put up with notifications from me every hour, i will continue! :)
I have experience running big gangs and I know how this shit works ngl. I know how to play minecraft pretty well and i know almost everyone in the community (english and spanish communities)
I think we have to be fair. If you do not respect the rules, you will have to suffer the consequences. Although we have to take into account a lot of aspects
📍***It is important that every day we have MORE NEW PLAYERS but it is also important that these players do not make VETERAN OGs feel uncomfortable. It's a VERY THIN LINE to WORK ON***📍
Don't f### my sister or my fam sisters, follow the rules, HAVE FUN and we will meet in Pattaya

Heey, I'm B3NNN3T and I have always wanted to be even more involved with Moonsama.
I've been playing MC for the last 8 years and even though im not the best pvp player, I have experience with mc in general and this could help with future problems we will probably have with cheaters.
I consider I have capacity of fair judging and I would like to be in the Moonsama court. Good luck to all the competitors!!
The Nothing

Here goes (The) Nothing!
My Fellow Samaversers.
Tired of getting wrekked, beaten, stolen from your hard-earned Resources. Well tough luck, you need to adjust your strategy, man up and play better….Well if everything was played by the rules of course.
If not ? Report them to our in-game police and rest assured we have a court to judge them fair and just. A court I would love to take a seat on.
As a member of the court I would bring in the ability to reflect on ourselves. Are we always clear in our statements, are the rules clear for everyone, is there no misinterpretation possible. Are we who we preach we are and do we always act to it!
Hearing and listening in equal measure to arguments from both accused and accuser and judge by clear and transparent rules is something I would strive for. Remaining impartial and just.
A court is no court if it fails to judge itself.
Expect the Chaos, engage in the fun, and try to stay out of court 😊