Moonsama Police (MP) is a special task force within the Moonsama holders protecting the game economy balance and overall project reputation.
MP's primary duties are:
Overlooking the weekly Carnage events
and the Metaverse and official channels.
Any severe misconduct identified by the MP is handed over to the Moonsama Court, another Moonsama body of trusted and voted-in community members, to prepare a case for a community-wide vote on the resolution.
Hard knock job
During Carnage
During Carnage events, MPs will randomly spectate players, reporting cases ranging from suspicious block mining or PVP kill sprees to hostile gangs. Usually, there is one officer per Carnage world. They also provide support within the in-game chat. Currently, there are about ten officers on duty during a Carnage event.
MPs use a special offhand, a Sheriff Star, for the job. This powerful offhand allows them to be invisible, to fly, teleport, look into inventories, fly through blocks to see everything transparently, and see block history (see who placed blocks down or broke them).
Officers must stay in the Sheriff Star offhand mode for at least 90 minutes. The remaining 30 minutes are for changing servers and allowing them to refine $POOP or use their bait. Otherwise, officers on duty are not allowed to play on their own at all. They also must record their sessions in their entirety.

After Carnage
As soon as the Carnage ends, MPs discuss the game and collect any additional last-minute reports. DMs are sent out to players to submit their gameplay recordings. From that moment on, it's a group effort to watch every submission and look for misconduct, glitching, or cheating. Imagine the workload, which shall only increase as more players join the ecosystem.
A total of 75-125 hours of footage to be reviewed from a single Carnage!
The deadline for players to submit their recordings is 48 hours; you better keep an eye on the stats for the list to populate shortly after every Carnage!
MPs are putting their best effort into resolving everything within 72 hours to allow unlocking the Multiverse Portal and summoning the rewards. The chief of MP (Beanie) will check the recordings of all officers, write a list of penalties and forward it to the person responsible for rewards distribution.
The Moonsama Police is empowered to take away your personal share and gganbu from a single Carnage gameplay. The most common reason is repeatedly not providing a gameplay recording or failing to meet its requirements (resolution, incomplete).
Any other, more severe misconduct is handed over to the Moonsama Court and may lead to bans, or even freezing/burning of game passes.
How to become an MP?
Contact any ambassador or police bird, or hit a dm directly to the chief of police, Beanie. You need to possess enough respect and trust from the community, proven by NOT
leaking the mansion/private info,
abusing your roles within the community,
having a record of any dishonesty.
You also need to have an excellent knowledge of Carnage games (Minecraft at the moment) and be a holder of Moonsama, which is locked as a stake against severe misbehavior as a police officer.
Until now, officers were rewarded with an extra 20 gganbu power for their efforts. The community council is currently reviewing this for potential updates.
Big thanks to the Moonsama Police for providing insights to allow this story to happen.