(From a Twitter thread posted by the Exosama Official account on Nov. 16, 2022, available at: https://twitter.com/ExosamaNFT/status/1592922082844999682)
You can now migrate your POOP (Moonbeam Network) to SAMA (Exosama Network). The conversion rate is 1:1 so 1 POOP equals 1 SAMA.
There are 2 ways to do so:
1) Through our Multiverse Portal and playing Carnage;
2) Through our website, on migration-subpage.
The migration will continue for now, there's currently no deadline for either of the ways mentioned above.
Doing so through our website gets you SAMA tokens almost instantly, whereas doing so through Carnage will get SAMA tokens distributed at a later date not set yet.
Doing so through our Multiverse Portal and Carnage metaverse integration yields you additional game rewards. Be aware that extra resources for migration are available ONLY when done through Multiverse Portal and refinement of POOP inside Carnage.
You need an eligible game pass to play Carnage where the refining process happens. Make sure to do it through the "Portal" subpage for additional game rewards.

If you have any eligible game passes, such as Exosama, Gromlin, Moonsama, or VIP ticket, you are eligible to do this through the Multiverse Portal and Carnage.
Currently, the amount of POOP you can refine per Carnage depends on the number and type of your game passes.
Non-Stackable Game Passes:
Non-Gromlin/Exosama/Moonsama Game Pass (e.g. VIP ticket) = 1500 POOP
These game passes can not be stacked as the game passes below.
Stackable Game Passes:
Each Gromlin = 1500 POOP
Each Exosama = 15,000 POOP
Each Moonsama = 150,000 POOP
All of these 3 game passes can be stacked. There is no base amount, so 1 Gromlin + 1 Moonsama = 151,500 POOP. The amount of POOP you are able to refine during Carnage resets after each Carnage session.
To find a refinery, use the compass in your inventory that is being given to you at the start of the game. You will then eventually find an area with a massive structure. Head to the center, right-click and drag POOP from your inventory to the slots available.

If the above option doesn't fit you, you can also do the migration through our website. https://multiverse.moonsama.com/migrate
Below is a video showing how to add Exosama Network to your Metamask and migrate POOP to SAMA through our website. SAMA tokens will appear in your wallet almost instantly.
To enable Exosama Network on your Metamask wallet, please use the following add-to-wallet tool or RPC information:
Name: Exosama Network
Web Socket: wss://rpc.exosama.com
Chain ID: 2109
Explorer: https://explorer.exosama.com
Native Token Symbol: SAMA
Feel free to join our Telegram or Discord for any questions you might have!
Telegram: https://t.me/exosama
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/moonsama