Skytale Ventures
Both teams have been in touch for months and have met on different occasions. All 3 Scytale advisors own a Moonsama and love playing Carnage with the community. Sergio is also the President of @publicpressure, another Moonsama partner, who will launch PODS: NFTs that can play music NFTs.
All 3 Scytale advisors own a Moonsama and love playing Carnage with the community.
Scytale is a known & respected VC active in the Polkadot ecosystem with an elite advisory board consisting of Ethereum and Polkadot founder Gavin Wood, Parity co-founder Dr. Aeron Buchanan & Chairman of Energy Web Ewald Hesse.

Scytale manages 70 mil+ in digital assets and was an early investor in, amongst others, Polkadot, Ocean Protocol & Energy Web. Currently, Scytale is invested in 14+ projects and has pledged a multi-million dollar investment in Moonsama. In return, Scytale receives $POOP/ $SAMA tokens for market price ($0,057 based on the moving average). Scytale had to pay the same price as everybody else. The purpose of the received funds will be announced soon.
Scytale has shown its support for Moonsama from an early stage, and this collaboration further solidifies their collaboration. Scytale's support includes but is not limited to financial investment, leadership and advice, governance, and ecosystem support. Moonsama will also add three advisors to its advisory board:

Chief Advisor Mark Cachia
Mark is a finance professional with experience in managing large funds, investment banking, and private equity investments. Mark saw the potential of Web3 and launched Scytale Ventures as a way to participate, learn, and spread his knowledge. Mark will use his extensive knowledge as Chief Advisor to Moonsama.
Founder Scytale Ventures (2017), acting CIO, has launched two venture funds since 2015, with the 2nd closing in late 2022.
Advisor to the Web 3 Foundation, the Energy Web Foundation, and Ocean Protocol.
Co-founded and managed wealth management firm Infinity Capital, which managed hedge funds, private equity, and venture investments.
Head of Alternative investments & Senior Portfolio Manager at Erste Group Bank for 12 years, managing billions of dollars in a direct, hedge fund, and private equity investments.
Served as Vice president at Hennessee Group LLC for three years, advising clients on their hedge fund portfolios.

Creative Advisor Sergio Mottola
Sergio is already well-known within the Moonsama community. Moonsama & Public Pressure (PP) have recently partnered to revolutionize the music industry, and Sergio is its President. Sergio led the passing of the San Marino blockchain legislation in Parliament, directly working with Presidents, Generals, and Ambassadors. His creative nature and extensive experience make him the perfect man for the job.
Founder & President of Public Pressure. PP is an online NFT marketplace for the music industry. It connects artists, labels, and fans to produce and share content with each other through non-fungible tokens.
Former Chairman & CEO of the Republic of San Marino Innovation Institute: Led and developed the San Marino Blockchain legislation passed in Parliament in June 2019. Working closely with Institutional Organisations (OECD, MIF, MISE) and diplomatic representatives (President of Albania, US Consul, General in Florence, Ambassador of Israel) to articulate strategic partnerships.
Former Venture and Limited Partner at Delphi Digital Venture, a research firm active in the digital asset landscape

Governance Advisor Dr. Alessandro Palombo
Alessandro is a tech entrepreneur with a legal background and is the founder & CEO of Jur. Alessandro has extensive legal and start-up experience and is a member of the Board of Advisors of Oxford University & Elontech Law Observatory. Because of his relevant experience, Alessandro will be a valuable asset in advising Moonsama on the new governance mechanics.
Founder & CEO of Jur. Jur’s goal is to provide anyone in over 166 Countries with access to an Open Justice: fast, affordable & 100% online.
Founding Member of Astana International Finance Centre (AIFC) LegalTech Advisory Council: AIFCA is a financial hub for Central Asia, the Caucasus, EAEU, the Middle East, West China, Mongolia, and Europe.
Member of the Board of Advisors of Deep Tech Dispute Resolution Lab, Oxford University. Who aims to “create an internationally leading hub of interdisciplinary and multi-stakeholder research cooperation that advances the study of deep technologies in dispute resolution.”
Member of the board of Advisors ELONtech- European Law Observatory. ELONtech is focused on exploring the challenges and barriers between regulation & innovation and the disruption technology has across all economic sectors.
Holds a Ph.D. in Administrative law and an International Master in Global Regulation of Markets at the Sapienza university and Lateranensis University Rome.