Starting with carnage (beta) resources
howto carnage

Resources are back! What does it mean? What to expect and how to get them? An update for new players who have yet to experience the resource economy.

For experienced OG carnage players, resources are probably nothing new. For most of the past 12 months, the carnage has been a vital source of the play-to-craft economy, resulting in what we call Pondsama, POOP, or offhands today.

For a better understanding/more information, we recommend reading our recent story about the Moonsama Multiverse Portal.

The first generation of resources, the alpha resources, was discontinued a couple of months ago. We are now entering a new era of carnage economy (beta resources), influenced namely by

  • new participants (Exosamas, Gromlins)

  • and the launch of the Exosama Network.

The following resources are expected to be exported from the Carnage events starting this coming Sunday:

  • Wood

  • Stone

  • Iron

  • Gold

Resources will be minted on the Exosama Network (connect using our tools).

Players who use carnage to swap their $POOP to $SAMA (enrapture it in the Multiverse Portal and refine it in carnage) will also be eligible for Blood Crystals, Mobidium and DNA. Amounts are yet to be confirmed.

Let's not forget about Pumpkins - a new resource mined in the past weeks for the Hallowsama event - their farming/collecting is now over and will no longer be obtainable in the carnage. Their minting/distribution and crafting are coming soon.

The new carnage resources minted on the Exosama Network
The new carnage resources minted on the Exosama Network

What to do?

These are eligible types of Minecraft items that players need to do/collect in the carnage to secure their share of resources.

  • WOOD = logs; directly from trees. Do NOT turn them into anything else, such as planks or sticks; otherwise, they will not count.

  • STONE = cobblestone; No need to do anything - just mine stone (turns into cobblestone in inventory). Do not confuse it with stone, which is obtained by smelting cobblestone... few players made this unnecessary mistake :)

  • IRON = iron ingots. Find iron ore and SMELT it into ingots. The raw iron does not count!

  • GOLD = gold ingots. Same as with iron, players need to SMELT it into ingots.

What is smelting?

Eight cobblestone blocks are needed to craft a furnace. Interacting with the furnace (smelting), players obtain various items. The bottom slot of the furnace requires "fuel," such as wood, coal, or lava.

Smelting using furnace
Smelting using furnace

What to expect?

Chaos? Nah :) Many junior carnage players are confused about the amounts they receive after each game. The final amount of resources obtained from carnage comes from

  • personal share - 20% of all eligible resources that an individual collects during the game

  • gganbu share - 80% of resources are pooled and distributed to eligible NFTs based on their power (Moonsama 10x, Exosama 1x). Other NFTs are not eligible for gganbu.

Read our Carnage one-pager to get you stared

Good to know

  • If you're new to the carnage, spare some extra time to set you up. There are guides to help you. You can start with our one-pager.

  • If you're unsure about the amount of $POOP you can refine in the carnage, check our calculator.

  • Remember to check the game stats after the game is over to ensure you're not requested to submit a game recording.

  • Multiverse Portal tends to be locked for a couple of days after the carnage ends to allow the Moonsama police to search the game and recordings for cheaters. During this time, exporting from the portal is disabled. We are monitoring the status of the portal (see the homepage, carnage stats, or one-pager).

  • To connect your wallet to the Exosama Network, add $SAMA and resources, use our add-to-wallet tool.

More information

If you are new to the ecosystem, we recommend reading the following recent threads on Twitter from our community members:

About the author

This story was co-published by our freshman samarazzi H.D. Hirsi. Give him a follow and let us know how you liked his premiere content!

Want to become a dailySama samarazzi? Join our Creative Club Discord server.
