$POOP has many forms and shapes... I mean, these are the most common answers you get when you ask around (and all are somewhat true :)
a shit coin (apparently)
utility token
governance token
staking token
With the coming launch of Raresama, $POOP brings a lot of attention and questions.
A look back
This token has a history. Following Moonsama play-to-craft philosophy, quite a lot had to happen before $POOP came to life.
You should first understand where it comes from to appreciate better what it is.
It started weeks ago with gganbu resources earned in Monsama Carnage - a weekly 2-hour Sunday event where players fight for resources in Minecraft. Apart from regular resources (such as wood, iron, and gold), extra resources were available for a limited time (string, grain).
I call $POOP a proof-of-work utility token.
These resources were used to craft the following items, used for in-game fishing.
moonrod - to be able to fish another resource - aFish
bait - used together with the moonrod as one bait for one aFish
Some people market-bought moonrods for thousands of dollars to be able to participate in fishing. Later on, aFish an ancient crature - the Sunken One - traded aFish with the holders in exchange for Pondsama fish NFT in a 10:1 ratio.

Since then, the aFish and later on the Pondsama NFT gave $POOP reward tokens starting at a rate of 10 thousand $POOP per week. Inflation is supposed to slow down significantly at any moment now. I hope you are now seeing the value already bound to the token.
The token is mostly community held, which is very healthy regarding specific use cases, especially governance. And governance token it is supposed to be! At least for Pondsama and Raresama that is. There may also be other ventures to harness its potential in the future.
Pondsama is still in its early days with many features coming up. Some of them may require means of exchange - a token (such as breeding or renting). Raresama will bring many other scenarios where $POOP will serve greatly (verifications, listings, maybe even auctions).
One thing is for sure - a lot of utility is coming for $POOP, or xcPOOP? Yes a cross-chain (xc) token that will allow you to transfer value across different DApps / exchanges.
So what may have sounded like a joke quickly turned into a role model of what the ultimate “shitcoin” is? $POOP happens.
$POOP can be purchased on Moonbeam DEXes Stellaswap and Moonswap.